MOLNÁR, József
(1821, Zsámbék - 1899, Budapest)


Oil on canvas, 125 x 94,5 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

"The Self-Sacrifice of Knight Dezső" made Molnár's name famous but he was a great painter of genre pictures, too, first on life in the country, and later on life in towns. He added a narrative tone to his pictures with great pleasure. In "Rendezvous", the subject matter is obviously a secret assignation and the suitor seems to be late. In order to hide her nervousness, the lady peeps into her mirror to see what is going on behind her. She has a serious looking face and a formal hair style. She is expecting to see her admirer probably not for the first time. Light glimmering through the leaves is reflected and makes moments of waiting worried. The way her dress is lit and the coolness of whites and greys indicate that the picture was painted in the artist's studio. The path in the background is brightened by the sunshine. It is real nature with impressionistic freshness.

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