MOLNÁR, József
(1821, Zsámbék - 1899, Budapest)

Bathing Woman

Graphite and Indian ink on paper, 123 x 170 mm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

József Molnár, a well-studied painter, was best known for his late landscapes. His earlier historical paintings were theatrical, sharp and dominated by his talent for draughtsmanship. Even in his very best drawings he was unable to permeate the cool, dry style with any emotion.

This small drawing, purchased from the Art Hall, is characterized by a demure, Biedermeier atmosphere and detailed representation. The even lighting, lacking any emphasis, transforms even the freer patches of vegetation in the background into a blunted grey. The female body is naturalistic and shows the artist's great anatomical knowledge, but the distinct outlines silhouette the figure and separate it completely from the background.

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