(1857, Sepsiszentgyörgy - 1925, Sepsiszentgyörgy)

The Ressurrection of the Daughter of Jairus

c. 1880
Pen and wash, 210 x 223 mm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Gyárfás drew the themes for his drawings from Hungarian history, literature or the Bible. His early series in ink and wash is especially beautiful. The Museum of Fine Arts bought this piece from the artist himself. The outstanding talent of the artist is evident from the forceful characterization, also apparent in his portraits, and the painterly approach, based on the effects of light and dark form. The promising first portraits and drawings and the dry, larger paintings that followed not only show this tragic artist's search for new expression, but also epitomize the whole period. Their education and historic attitude linked most artists to the great masters of historical painting, but the freer handling of some of their pictures was already preparing the ground for modern Hungarian painting in the years around the Millennium.

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