UNKNOWN MASTER, altarpiece painter
(15th century)

Death of Vigin Mary (detail)

c. 1490
Tempera on wood,
Parish Church, Szepesváralja

The Master of the panels of the former main altar with Nativity of Virgin Mary worked in Szepesváralja around 1490. Four panels (presently on loan in the Slovak National Gallery, Brastislava) painted on both sides present large compositions with a monumental impression and a typical painting programme. These paintings are characterised by the pure style of Late Gothic mannerism and attain an international standard. The colours are vivid and the coats and garments spread out over the painting's space form extensive systems of folds, arranged mostly graphically. In spite of the dramatic story of represented legends, the figure retain their majestical calmness, emphasizing the lyrical and meditative subject of the work.

The four panels are the Annunciation (upper panel from left-hand movable altar wing), the Nativity (upper panel from right-hand movable altar wing), The Death of Virgin Mary, The Jesse Tree (lower back panel of left-hand movable altar wing).

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