(15th century)

Tomb of János Hunyadi (+1456)

Cathedral, Gyulafehérvár

The tombstones with coat-of-arms, dominant type from the end of the 14th century, are superseded by the tombstones with figural decoration only in the 1460s, started from the Hunyadi tombstones at Gyulafehérvár, and the Szentgyörgyi tombstone at Pozsonyszentgyörgy.

In the northern nave of the Catedral of Gyulafehérvár there are three Hunyadi tombstones, those of János Hunyadi, the Younger (+1440), Governor János Hunyadi (+1456), and László Hunyadi (+1457).

In the tombstone of János Hunyadi only the two longitudinal reliefs are contemporary, the other sides and the cover are later additions in the 16th century. The longitudinal reliefs depict battle scenes.

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