WEBER, Henrik
(1818, Pest - 1866, Pest)

Composer Mihály Mosonyi and his Wife

Oil on canvas, 84 x 68,7 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Portraiture during the first half of the 19th century can be classified in several ways: the ones depicting the model in an interior or outdoors; portraits of families belonging to the bourgeoisie, aristocracy or to the nobility; pictures with only a few figures, or showing more than one generation together. The serenity or animation of a composition can also be a basis of comparison. After studying in Vienna, Munich and Italy, Henrik Weber became an acknowledged painter of genres and historical compositions. The portrait of "Composer Mihály Mosonyi and His Wife", painted in the 1840s, is an intimate portrayal of Weber's sister and brother-in-law, rendered with soft, warm tones. Mihály Mosonyi (Brand) was a composer of operas and other musical forms, and an enthusiastic propagator of Hungarian national music and the music of Richard Wagner.

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