(1870, Kiskunhalas - 1937, Nagybánya)

Landscape in Autumn

Oil on board, 69,5 x 100 cm
Museum of Máramaros District, Nagybánya

It's quite difficult to find the place of "Landscape in Autumn" in the artist's oeuvre. It differs a great deal from the personal style of János Thorma. This landscape is an almost weightless, clear phenomenon of colour. Its forms are totally melted, dissolved and loose.

This is how the tendencies of impressionism appeared in the art of Thorma. In this period, the artist connected most of his landscapes with a composition of human contents. He realized an unbreakable harmony between the two elements. Nevertheless, later on, the human figure began to have more and more often the role of a simple compositional element. This phase is represented by the Landscape in Autumn.

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