(1885, Kolozsvár - 1972, Szentendre)

Female Head

Stone, height 41 cm
Ferenczy Museum, Szentendre

This portrayal stands out from among the artist's other portraits rendered in reserved realism, and differs from them in respect of style also. The artist was probably influenced by one of the waves - of various sources - of neoclassicism that originated in the early 1910s, as he made this portrait. The grabbing of the pronounced, but harmonic features of this woman with her smoothed-back hair solely relying on the dimensions of the larger form elements, and the concentrated fashioning of the stone avoiding the details and following the shapes inherent in the material as well as the representation of instantaneous emotions are all features that point to such an influence. But while sculptors that take on the neoclassic label consciously compose the heads facing the viewer in their portraits, Szamosi has gently tilted the head to the left, thus removing it from timelessness. This way the pair of eyes looking into the distance searches the perspectives ahead. The robe on the shoulders is referred to with rough, unfinished fashioning. This portrait in its simplicity receives a touch of poetry because of the unconsciously rendered tension between the restless, unfinished instantaneity and the timelessness conveyed by the features of the face.

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