(1861, Kaposvár - 1927, Kaposvár)

Manor-house at Körtvélyes

Oil on cardboard, 52 x 70 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

During his trip to Italy in 1904-05, Rippl-Rónai was fascinated by the monumentality and decorativity of Italian mosaic pictures. Later, he included his experiences in his pictures and established the technique of the so-called corn-period. From 1907-08 onwards, his pictures contained about the same brush work, lively and dynamic elements of large patches. Contours intensify decorativity and small spots emphasize mass.

"Manor-house at Körtvélyes" (1907) is a somewhat haphazard attempt to establish this style. He painted several pictures on the same subject matter, the castle of Körtvélyes, which was in the possession of the Andrássy family. As an influence of impressionism, he blurs continuous contours and makes the contrast of light and shadow important, but he gives up divisionism and does not break up colours: pure, unmixed and strong colours play a more important role. The two red spots, the sun shade and the skirt of the woman in the foreground, serve only decorativity.

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