RÉTI, István
(1872, Nagybánya - 1945, Budapest)

Bohemians' Christmas Abroad

Oil on canvas, 145 x 122 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Puccini's music established the caste of bohemians in music after the turn of the century. Their life-styles and financial positions may have allowed them to highlight the comfort and safety of middle class welfare.

Réti, one of Hollósy's pupils who spent Christmas in Munich, was inspired by Hungarians feeling homseick at Christmas. The silence of the humble fasting and a deep solemnity are present. He depicts the scene in soft reddish-brown shades and brushwork recalling the sound of the violoncello. Artists who belonged to the Nagybánya school later, may have felt an urge to reform art: "In the ecstasy of the Millennium celebrations we believed we were occupiers of new art in Hungary. During the self-celebrations of the past, we turned our faces to future. We were standing there alone, but we felt strong. Our souls were filled with what was to come, what we were going to do." (István Réti)

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Created and maintained by Emil Krén and Dániel Marx; sponsored by the T-Systems Hungary Ltd.