PATAKY, László
(1857, Brád - 1912, Alvinc)


Oil on canvas, 123 x 163 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Pataky always referred to himself as Munkácsy's disciple; this explains his inclination for social issues. The father, left alone with three children watches over the body of his wife. The choice of the subject is not only romantic, but also conforms with the expectations of the public, hungry for sentiments. The early morning sunshine floods the humble little room and sheds light on the family. The catafalque is lit by a single candle. It so obvious that the artist was interested most of all in the painterly effects of the light. Both the subject and the issue of lighting - beside Munkácsy's influence - shows the inspiration Pataky drew from the Munich school of genre painting. Pataky's choice in the application of artistic devices, however, was so moderate, that the was able to refrain from theatrical outwardly effects.

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