ORBÁN, Dezső
(1884, Győr - 1987, Sydney, Australia)

Still Life

Oil on canvas, 64 x 80 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Dezső Orbán's painted this still-life in 1911, the same year when "The Eights", the group of Hungarian artists representing the most modern trends in art, held their first exhibition. Similarly to the other members of the group, Orbán, too, was influenced by Cézanne's art. It is the limited material world and the rational composition of Cézanne's still lifes that we can discover in this particular painting, too. The objects are arranged symmetrically on a table painted from a high viewpoint, revealing the classical triangular composition. The masses of the white china bowl and the tin plate full of peaches are drawn plastically against the light background of the table sloth of read-white stripes. The dark green pitcher forming the central axis of the composition is further emphasized by the brown brickwall in the background.

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Created and maintained by Emil Krén and Dániel Marx; sponsored by the T-Systems Hungary Ltd.