ORBÁN, Dezső
(1884, Győr - 1987, Sidney, Australia)

Landscape in Charenton

Oil on canvas, 54,5 x 68,5 cm
Deák Collection, Municipal Gallery, Székesfehérvár

In her monograph on the Eights, Krisztina Passuth writes the following about Dezső Orbán's art: "... he vacillates between two artistic theories: one is a planelike approach, in his case a definitely art nouveau approach, which produces mostly symmetric compositions of winding lines ... The other one is a constructive approach, recalling Cézanne's closed, plastic and massive forms."

"Landscape in Charenton" shows Orbán's art before he had joined the Eights. The approach of the Nagybánya school with contrasts of shadow and light on the houses in Charenton mixes with a style emphasizing structure as in Cézanne's art, and, in addition, the subject matter, the way the town is depicted and the composition, "structural naturalism", recall Utrillo's style.

Everything can be traced back to cubes - in fact, in Cézanne's formulation it was the cone. This theory was in fact realized by cubists, e.g. Braque, or Valéria Dénes, a Hungarian artist, with landscapes and houses broken down into elements. Dezső Orbán's picture reflects a state when a plain constructivity, Hungarian impressionism and naturalism influenced his art.

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