NAGY, István
(1873, Csíkmindszent - 1937, Baja)

Winter Landscape

Pastel on cardboard, 68 x 86 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Landscapes of snow-capped mountains in Transylvania are normally narrow in space. In Nagy's "Landscape in Winter", however, an unusually wide landscape is depicted. The composition is unique in this respect. There are no doubts about which landscape and where it was painted as it was exhibited under the title of "Hill-Side in Transylvania" in 1948. Its colours are based on black and whites variegated with bluish shades. The scratchy presentation is justified by the condition of trees and bushes in winter. The painter's skills are present here, too: he depicted snow-covered of stips in patches cold and frozen in large pictures in a way that they give one the impression of stability. They are cut into pieces by dark diagonal slopes of hills, which either go down steeply, form a transition or close down the landscape, or by strips of land so they can add liveliness to the monotony of nature in winter.

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