MODOK, Mária
(1896, Ráckeve - 1971, Budapest)

Roofs and Walls of Szentendre

Oil on canvas, 59 x 45 cm
Ferenczy Múzeum, Szentendre

This is an exceptional composition in the oeuvre of the artist, in which the lessons drawn from her cubist experiments with the form are applied in a unique manner. The artist has composed one beside the other the forms of gabled and semi-gabled houses - that the painter found interesting - as if they were mere panes. In the relationship of wall-panes abstracted from the spatiality of the buildings - interesting enough in themselves - the artist has been able to establish a variegated visual rhythm drawing from the results of her cubist experiments with the forms. The nearly vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines, providing the outlines of colour-panes of mixed forms, serve to highlight the structural properties of the forms. Apart from the broken-white colour scheme of the house-walls drawn mostly in soft brownish contours the painting is dominated by the warm shades of ochre and brown. Colder colours of greyish panes and light turquoise sky are contrasted to the warmth of these colours.

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Created and maintained by Emil Krén and Dániel Marx; sponsored by the T-Systems Hungary Ltd.