MARTYN, Ferenc
(1899, Kaposvár - 1986, Pécs)

Composition with Letter "I"

Oil on canvas, 40 x 30 cm
Janus Pannonius Museum, Pécs

The title of the picture, although an appropriate one, is not identical with the ideas which engaged Martyn when he painted this picture. He applied a visual system which relies on geometric planes and their spatial relations, and colours. The picture is a good example of non-figurative art which is independent of concrete objects. The picture presents atmospheres and emotions similarly to music. The structure and balance of geometric forms, the radiation of clear colours, the harmony of colours of forms placed over one another and the tension of colour contrasts are synchronized with movement and spatial effects in the picture. One can imagine two small nets on the surface: a geometric one, a structure made up by planes with triangles, and the other is the order in which motifs with the letter "I" are arranged. Both imaginary planes are integrated. Colours, light yellows, dark browns, olive greens, light and dark blues, which go over into purple, create an atmosphere of harmony. The viewer has a visual experience which compensates the lack of objectivity presented by descriptive and narrative reality.

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