(1830, Csetnek - 1917, Budapest)

Blanka Teleki in Prison

Black and white chalk on paper, 695 x 510 mm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Madarász completed this drawing three years before his return to Hungary from Paris. In 1867, the year of the Compromise with the Habsburgs, it was a patriotic deed to choose as his subject the revolutionary countess confined to prison. It was presented by Károly Fái in 1952. This sketch is reminiscent of a style prevalent several decades earlier. The fine drawing, the gentle lights on the hair and face, the arrangement and even the dress recall the female figures of Viennese Biedermeier art.

Madarász's drawings, very few of which are in the possession of the National Gallery, are far less significant than his passionate paintings. They show his academic technikal ability and brilliant draughtsmanship, but lack the boldness and romantic fever of his paintings.

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Created and maintained by Emil Krén and Dániel Marx; sponsored by the T-Systems Hungary Ltd.