(1858, Pest - 1931, Budapest)

Ornithologist, painter and illustrator. He obtained his Doctor of Philosophy title from the Budapest University in 1880. He then worked for the Animal Collection of the Hungarian National Museum, where he became the director of the bird collection. He primarily focused his scientific studies on birds. To this end he travelled across the entire territory of Hungary, he visited Western Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas, too, and in 1896-97 he conducted zoological, mainly ornithological research and also collected species in India and Ceylon. He led expeditions to Egypt, Nubia and Sudan in 1911-12. He observed bird migration near Lake Fertő, Hungary. His observations were published in ornithological magazines in Hungary and abroad. He pursued his art studies under the guidance of Antal Ligeti. His pictures of landscapes and birds were exhibited in the Art Gallery of Budapest and in the National Salon.

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