(1863, Budapest - 1920, Budapest)


Oil-tempera on canvas, 45 x 70 cm
Deák Collection, Municipal Gallery, Székesfehérvár

"Vanity" is one of the most significant symbolic pictures of Körösfői. Its subject matter, which can be traced back to ancient times reflects an academic education although pupils of academies painted mostly historical-allegorical compositions in the second half of the century. The subject matter is a classic one, yet red flowers with dark green leaves filling the background and motif of the wing behind the female figure suggest the decorativity of art nouveau. Figures in the picture recall "Golden Age", a composition of János Vaszary (1898). Death and erotics, the two most significant themes of symbolism and art nouveau are present in a red haired woman who is naked above and a young man with strong arms and a classic profile. The allegory of the composition is emphasized by a grotesque satyr head behind the flowers which looks like a mask. Kőrösfői applies standard symbols of history and art: decorativity, movement and stylized motifs of plants give the picture an atmosphere of fin de siècle with a slightly affected version of art nouveau.

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