(first half of the 15th century)

Painter. His name was retained in the inscription of a predella which got from Garamszentbenedek to the Gallery of Esztergom. Unfortunately, it was destroyed later. Ordered by Miklós Péterfia, the canon of Győr in 1427, the picture in the middle of the triptych showed the sufferings of Christ with the lives of the saints on the both sides of the triptych in a style integrating International Gothic realism with the style of contemporary German masters. The triptych, which is highly expressive and realistic, is one of the best of its kind. His major works: "Christ on the Mount Olives", "Christ with the Crucifix", "Resurrection", "Ascension", "St. Benedict", "St. Egidius" and "Bari Saint Nicholas".

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