(1873, Budapest - 1940, Budapest)


India ink and wash, 22,4 x 38,8 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Károly Kernstok was a leader of The Eight, the first organized artists' group of the Hungarian avant-garde, who followed in Cézanne's footsteps. He painted Riders on the Shore in 1910 as a symbolic summary of the group's strivings, intending it be the summary of their mainfesto on art. "Riders", drawn in ink two years later, is much more light-handed and balanced than the stylized, simplified figures of the oil composition. The dynamic drawing evenly fills out the picture, thus providing a harmonious rendering of riders and landscape.

The motif of the riding nude was depicted by Kernstok innumerably. This india ink and wash drawing is the most successful summary of these sketches, which originate from nature, but always go beyond the particular image. A copper-plate version of this drawing is also known.

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