(1857, Máramarossziget - 1918, Técsõ)

Corn Husking

Oil on canvas, 150 x 100 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Hollósy's works depict village life. Action becomes reality here: time may pass but the happiness or sadness of figures is still alive because the picture depicts true feelings. Leaves of corn are rustling under the young man's feet. The eyes of the girl are attracting the young man but she is hesitating at the same time. Her eyes and the graceful way she is holding her hands suggest the eternal Eve. The white arm pressed by the young man reflect a healthy and fiery moment in their lives.

Nostalgy makes Hollósy's genre pictures on Hungarian village life convincing. Hollósy, who played the violoncello very well, managed to express the musical qualities of painting by using lively colours and applying inventions of plein air in closed spaces, i.e. light filtering in from outside.

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Created and maintained by Emil Krén and Dániel Marx; sponsored by the T-Systems Hungary Ltd.