(1858, Pozsony - 1903, Budapest)

Monument to Maria Theresia

Destroyed in 1928

On the occasion of the Millenium (the anniversary of the settlement of Hungarians in 896) several large-scale monuments were erected in Hungary. Two of them were executed by János Fadrusz: the monument of Maria Theresia in Pozsony and that of King Matthias in Kolozsvár.

Fadrusz was commissioned for the monument of Maria Theresia in 1892 after winnning a competition. He traveled in Europe to study all important equestrian statues, then in 1894 finished the plaster model. The monument was carved in Carrara in Italy under the supervision of Fadrusz.

The monument was inaugurated in 1896. On the base the inscription quotes the famous exclamation "VITAM AND SANGUINEM". The monument was destroyed by Slovak nationalists in 1928.

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Created and maintained by Emil Krén and Dániel Marx; sponsored by the T-Systems Hungary Ltd.