(1884, Nábrád - 1966, Vác)

View of the Mountain

Oil on canvas, 42,5 x 46,5 cm
Private collection

The landscapes of Géza Bornemisza can be characterized by lightness and vitality. His way of designing forms and use of colour show that the artist assimilated the results of fauvism very soon. His paintings seem to have been influenced mainly by Matisse and Vlaminck. The identification with French ways of expression might not have been purely conscious and it was not limited only to technical matters. The painter identified himself entirely with the modern way of considering artistic matters.

In the case of View of the Mountain the natural view was divided into independent decorative patterns of colour with an elementary force, almost arrogant consciousness of the painter. And these patterns of colour are really intense, almost radiating. The fields painted in red, the houses with blue facades, the citron-yellow haystacks, the green hills are filled with light and energy. The result is a pulsing visual experience.

A significant part of the artist's oeuvre has been destroyed, this is why well composed works of art like View of the Mountain become even more significant.

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