BECK Ö., Fülöp
(1873, Pápa - 1945, Budapest)


Plaster, height: 176 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

As in other countries, in Hungary, too, sculpture soon followed in the footsteps of radical changes that were taking place in the sphere of painting. Yet paradoxically, those artists whose programme was the rejuvenation of Hungarian sculpture looked for inspiration in archaic and classical forms. Fülöp Ö. Beck's medals and "metal sculptures" showed the stylistic marks of Art Nouveau from the very beginning. In 1905, the artist became acquainted with Adolf Hildebrands's art in Munich, whose cult of classical Greek art had a profound influence on European sculpture.

The theme, and even more so the harmonious plastic rendering, of "Aphrodite" (1914) stand as witness to this inspiration. Classical tradition, the fondness for decorativity typical of Art Nouveau combined with the modernism of the beginning of the 20th century uniquely blend in this creation of the pioneer of modern Hungarian sculpture.

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Created and maintained by Emil Krén and Dániel Marx; sponsored by the T-Systems Hungary Ltd.