(17th century)

Farewell of Zrinyi and Frangepán

Oil on canvas (transferred to new canvas), 33,5 x 45 cm
Historical Picture Gallery, Hungarian National Museum, Budapest

The painting is part of series of 12. The letters on the painting are explaianed below the image: "A. Com[m]issarius D[omi]nus de Abele. B. D[omi]nus Molitor Juris Vtriusq[ue] Doctor. C. D[omi]nus Secretarius Podesta. D. Pater Quardianus. E. Socius P. Quardiani. F. Condemnatus Comes Zrin. G. Idem Frangepany. H. Commendatus D[omi]nus Capitaneus de Ehr."

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Created and maintained by Emil Krén and Dániel Marx; sponsored by the T-Systems Hungary Ltd.