(14th century)

Frescoes of the choir and triumphal arch

Roman Catholic Church, Velemér

In the upper field of the triumphal arch the Last Judgement, on the lower left a three-figure Calvary and on the right the Mettercia can be seen. On upper band of the northern wall of the nave there remained the legs of ten apostles in five painted arcades, while in the lower band the Adoration of the Magi, the figures of Saint László, Saint Miklós (Nicholas) and the three daughters of the poor nobleman are represented.

The scenes are incomplete, part of them was destroyed. As the inscriptions, found in two different parts of the church, tell us the paintings were executed in 1378 by János Aquila. According to the tradition the church was whitewashed in 1820-25, then the roof was destroyed and the rain cleaned the paintings. In the 1860s the church was abandoned and without a roof. The roof was restored in 1904, while the frescoes in 1937 and 1968.

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