STANETTI, Dionysius
(? - 1767, Körmöcbánya)

Sculptor. There is evidence of Stanetti's activity in the mining towns from 1743 on. He first worked at Privigye and then, between 1755 and 1764, in Selmecbánya. Stanetti, though a citizen of Körmöcbánya, was undoubtedly of foreign origin. This is evident not only from his Italian name but also because his art is linked to that of other countries. Thus his two Holy Trinity monuments are constructed after an Austrian model: the one in Körmöcbánya is similar to the monument in Baden, near Vienna, created by the Viennese court sculptor, Giovanni Stanetti. Giovanni belonged to the "first generation" of the Italian artists who settled in Austria and was evidently the master, and probably also a relative of Dionysius of Körmöcbánya. Dionysius's style was closely connected with, and perhaps superior to, the closed, heavy, classically severe, formal idiom of the monumental sculptural decoration prevalent in Vienna in the first third of the century.

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