(1878, Pelsőc - 1957, Budapest)

Flighting Woman

Oil on canvas, 107 x 82 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Pictures painted during World War I were particulary dramatic in Rudnay's art. He was in the army in Losonc as a secondary reservist where he saw refugees escaping from Galicia. He was deeply shocked by the fate of homeless and defenceless people. This is when his painting became grave in content and dramatc in composition. "Escaping Woman" is a shocking picture of the series. Rudnay condensed it into a diagonally composed picture with passionate brushwork. Typical English-reds, ochres, browns, soft blacks and bright whites represent warm colours of his picture. He recalls Munkácsy, whom he admired, with his realism, character portrayal and dramatic expression. "Escaping Woman" can be linked to war pictures of Mednyánszky and Vaszary.

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