NAGY, István
(1873, Csíkmindszent - 1937, Baja)


c. 1932
Pastel on paper, 52 x 44 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

István Nagy, who was born in Transylvania, is also often mentioned among the painters of the Alföld School, who influenced his works for a short time during the 1920s. Indeed, he often depicted the lives of the peasantry, while the folkloristic elements in his realistic approach also show his affinities to the Alföld masters. Nevertheless, Nagy's art could better be characterized by emphasizing his independent approach - he never belonged to any school or any style in particular. The impenetrable rendering, the emphatic geometrical structure of the images, coupled with a kind of compact composition, made him a representative of new directions without, however, making him an avant-garde painter.

These typical attributes are well illustrated by his pastel picture, "Schoolboy", completed around 1932. The frontal presentation, the symmetrical composition and the decorative effect of the different colour zones distinguish this portrait. The handsome, pure face of the peasant lad is depicted with great empathy.

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