(1884, Brassó - 1960, Brassó)


c. 1917
Oil on board, 50 x 50 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

At first, the elemental power of his bright colours fascinate the spectator. Máttis Teutsch is using peculiarly decorative, almost fluorescent shades of blues, purples, pinks, yellows, reds and greens. These colours together with deep purple and green tree trunks in an art nouveau style and strips of land waving horizontally give the impression of strong drifting movements. His pictures with an illusion of plainness are particularly dynamic as a result of vertical rhythms and colours intensifying each other, they are suggestive of delight in life and the instinct of painting. The artist expresses his immense fights and happiness in plastic forms of nature and by the way trees are waving in the wind. The two poles of his artistic development were expressionist landscapes and abstraction, as in the case of Kandinski in the 1910s. At the same time as he painted this picture, he created abstract and amorphous patches of colours in his water colours.

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