(1885, Nagybánya - 1906, Nagybánya)

View of Nagybánya

c. 1903
Oil on canvas, 70 x 75 cm
Private collection

For Jenő Maticska Nagybánya was not only a theme or motif, but a home as well. This is why his pictures inspired by Nagybánya are much more intimate, personal, honest.

On the View of Nagybánya we see the town from the meadow that lies on the banks of the Zazar. The picture accentuates he organic relationship of the town and its natural surroundings.

The painter pays attention to every detail. Everything is equally important: the meadow seen in the foreground, the winding trunks, the banks of the river, the surface of the water, the reformed church with its emblematic red roof on the tower and the houses that are joining the composition in the background. In the foreground we can see the restless brushstrokes that he learned from Béla Iványi Grünwald . The meadow is built up by small spots of green tones. Bigger spots of colour that suggest the influence of Károly Ferenczy dominate the middle of the composition and the background.

Nevertheless, the choice of the theme is quite unique. Among the pictures with similar themes, the sitting female figure is quite rare in the foreground. The type, which questions the relationship of man and nature, man and town, the built and natural surroundings, appears much more often than this. The artist realizes a kind of synthesis when renders the figure that is sitting on the shore, the town that can be seen through the trees and the natural forms that contains everything, as parts that live in organic relationship with each other.

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Created and maintained by Emil Krén and Dániel Marx; sponsored by the T-Systems Hungary Ltd.