(1878, Budapest - 1959, Budapest)

Constructive Self-portrait

Oil on canvas, 92 x 69,5 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

The portrait is one of the greatest products of a period when Márffy shared the ideas of the"Eights". The picture is intersected by horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines and beams of light, the resulting sections thus making up the composition. There are individuality and character behind the net of structured elements. The cold eyes and the strict look intensify abstraction and would in fact deprive the portrait from a sense of proximity if it was not for colours and light. Thus, Márffy's peculiar world of colours speak of a latent desire in his constructivist period: he wants to express emotions which manifests itself in the great works of the 1930s.

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Created and maintained by Emil Krén and Dániel Marx; sponsored by the T-Systems Hungary Ltd.