(1889, Miskolc - 1975, Budapest)


Oil on canvas, 49 x 35 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

This small picture on a biblical subject-matter is a study where the analytic method of cubism is applied. Christ, who is standing or rather floating on the shoulders of a figure (a disciple in fact) is facing the spectator. Five figures each are kneeling on both sides of the two central figures, in fact, in the axis of the picture. In spite of the moral theme and its well-known social character, this is pure art: it is a net of symbolic figures arranged in order in the plane of the picture. It is a predecessor to a major task whose consequences of artistic skills appear crystallized in compositions of glass windows at the end of his artistic career. The subject matter of classic art is re-interpreted and "magic" takes place complying with laws comprehensible by man.

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