KLEIN József
(1896, Csermő - 1945, Auschwitz?)

Landscape with Hills

Paper on gouache, 29 x 43 cm
Private collection

The oeuvre of József Klein can be divided into an early naturalistic period and an avantgarde one, coming after his stay in Paris. Between 1925 and 1927 he had been working in Paris for one and a half year. Landscape with Hills was composed in the name of clear decorativity as seen in Paris. The paining shows the influence of Fujita first of all, who has been one quite good terms with the artist. The Japanese painter realized a peculiar synthesis of western and eastern art. The nudes, portraits, still-lives painted by him are bidimensional: the avoiding of space, the decorativity meets Japanese calligraphy in his works. Besides this, Klein integrates a few elements from the works of Chagall, Picasso, Braque as well. He evaluates the overtaken elements according to his personality of course. Constructivism, decorativism, few colours and expressionism generally characterize his pictures.

Landscape with Hills is painted in few colours and in a decorative manner as well. It almost seems to be a drawing, as the artist uses the less devices for expression possible. Harmonic lines and light, almost symmetric contours are his artistic devices.

Pure landscapes like this are quite rare in the oeuvre of the artist. He designs mainly figurative works: nudes, interiors, still-lives. The atmosphere of his paintings can be related to neoclassicism besides expressionism and constructivism as well.

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