KANDÓ, Gyula
(1908, Savona - 1968, Szentendre)

Slanting Horizon and Shapes

c. 1959
Oil on wood, 40 x 60 cm
Ferenczy Museum, Szentendre

The artist who had lived separated from his family since 1949, finally visited his sister in 1959 in Turkey. This reunion and the possibility of exploring this new culture after the isolation of the Communist Rákosi era back in Hungary, had a liberating effect on the artist and he painted the most authentic works of his life in the Istanbul series comprising a number of pieces. In some artworks that preceded this series one can observe means of expression borrowed from the 'vocabulary' of surrealism, but these become more personal in these pictures, upon the impact of his recent experience. In this picture of the series the organic formations and the indescribable objects of irregular shape placed in front of an iridescent greenish-red background appear in deep-burning, contrasted colours and are arranged according to the logic of the lyrical in order to form a vision of the mind.

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Created and maintained by Emil Krén and Dániel Marx; sponsored by the T-Systems Hungary Ltd.