(1867, Somogysom - 1940, Budapest)


Oil on canvas, 130,5 x 151,5 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

In "Watering", a harmonious union of man and landscape is expressed which was a fundamental experience of artists of the Nagybánya school. Iványi prepared a small sketch with a much narrower angle for it, thus the rider's figure dominates it. He creates a balance of dark and light patches, i.e. patches of sunshine and shadow. The huge dark green crown of trees dominating the picture, the blackish shadow of trees and horses, the waistcoat of the rider and the dark brown patch of water in the ravine counterpoise details in the sunshine. Contours become vague as the air is vibrating and impressionistic colours are painted with long strokes of the brush.

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Created and maintained by Emil Krén and Dániel Marx; sponsored by the T-Systems Hungary Ltd.