(1884, Nábrád - 1966, Vác)

Trees in the Wet Grass

Oil on canvas, 63 x 70 cm
Private collection

Between 1907 and 1908, Géza Bornemisza spent some time in Paris, in the atelier of Matisse. This experiment decided finally to which group of modern artists he would belong. He became one of those rebels, who left Nagybánya in 1909, so as to join the colony of Kecskemet, which represented the modern spirituality in those years.

The Trees in Wet Grass was painted at Nagybánya, but it has already been influenced by the new ways of creation that the artist assimilated in Paris. The theme chosen for the picture is rather typical for Nagybánya, but the way in which the artist understands it shows the influence of fauvism. Homogeneous fields of colour, an almost plain composition, the branches reduced into decorative lines and the winding shadows are characteristic for his new visual methods.

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