BIHARI, Sándor
(1855, Rézbánya - 1906, Budapest)

On the Porch

c. 1900
Oil on canvas, 46,5 x 62,5 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

In this canvas we witness the birth of plein-air painting in Bihari's art. The scene - that is the larger part of the painting - is in semi-darkness, only dispersed light is shed on the objects and on the three young women and the young man. Only a few reflected colours on the blouses break the exactly balanced harmony of the local colours. The composition opens up to two motifs which are basking in the sunlight: the green leafage of trees in the centre, and a narrow courtyard and the walls of the neighbouring house to the left. In these parts of the picture the air seems to vibrate from the heat. The scene of the outside world is depicted by faded colours - almost resembling Impressionism.

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