BIHARI, Sándor
(1855, Rézbánya - 1906, Budapest)

Before the Magistrate

Oil on canvas, 111,2 x 167 cm
Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Jurisdiction in villages was a favourite subject matter of genre painting on country life in the late l9th c. but the figure of the outlaw disappeared to let others turn up instead, as in this case: a gypsy is accusing the son of a well-to-do peasant that he broke the gypsy's violin, his only source of income. A woman and four members of the band came to witness for the accuser. Gypsies, besides major characters, are standing in one group: they are waiting for the outcome. They turned to the judge in the hope of a just decision. If one looks at the son wearing a jacket over the shoulder and crossing the arms, who has appraised his superiority, one would discourage the gypsies from further witnessing: the case was brought to an issue long ago...

Bihari once more proved his skills of character portrayal. No-body could have painted the lively gypsy faces, the fierce look of the eyes, their hot anger and hats smashed to the ground so lifelike. His narrative skills are superior to contemporary genre-pictures imitating folk-life.

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